Bela's Blog June 2, 2023

To Move or Not To Move?

Making a Decision: Moving to a New Home vs Renovating Your Current One

Should I stay in your current home or relocate? This is a regular question I am asked by clients, so I thought I would share my video with you.

Some things to keep in mind if you are trying to decide if you are going to move or stay in your current home.

Life Goals – where do you see yourself in the next 5-7 years?

Downsizing seniors, Empty Nesters or are you an Upcoming retiree.

Evaluating your current home on how it meets life goals. Location, floor plan etc.

Cost-Is it cheaper to renovate or move?

Renovations can mean a lot of stress-There’s dust. There’s noise. There are people coming in and out of your house for weeks or even months.

What are the benefits of renovating?

Financing your next home. Current home pay off? buy first or sell first? Leverage equity?

Any questions regarding Real Estate in the Chester, Montgomery and Delaware county areas of the Philly Suburbs? I am here to help!

If you are a Home Seller you will want to read Hide these 6 Things if You Plan to Sell Your House” 

Bela Vora, Realtor
Cell : 484 947 3127
Office: 610 363 6006